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IOT P6(a) Update November 8, 2011

Posted by mwidlake in Architecture, development, performance, Testing.
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In my last post, IOT part 6, inserts and updates slowed down, I made the point that IOT insert performance on a relatively small Oracle system was very slow, much slower than on a larger system I had used for professional testing. A major contributing factor was that the insert was working on the whole of the IOT as data was created. The block buffer cache was not large enough to hold the whole working set (in this case the whole IOT) once it grew beyond a certain size. Once it no longer fitted in memory, Oracle had to push blocks out of the cache and then read them back in next time they were needed, resulting in escalating physical IO.

I’ve just done another test which backs up this claim. I altered my test database so that the block buffer cache was larger, 232MB compared to 100MB in my first tests. The full IOT is around 200MB

Bottom line, the creation of the IOT was greatly sped up (almost by a factor of 4) and the physical IO dropped significantly, by a factor of 20. As a result, the creation of the IOT was almost as fast as the partitioned IOT. It also shows that the true overhead on insert of using an IOT is more like a factor of 2 to 4 as opposed 6 to 8.

You can see some of the details below. Just to help you understand them, it is worth noting that I had added one new, larger column to the test tables (to help future tests) so the final segments were a little larger (the IOT now being 210MB as opposed to 180MB in the first tests) and there was a little more block splitting.

                        Time in Seconds
Object type           Run with       Run with
                     100MB cache    232MB cache
------------------  ------------    -----------   
Normal Heap table          171.9          119.4   
IOT table                1,483.8          451.4     
Partitioned IOT            341.1          422.6 

-- First reading 100MB cache
-- second reading 232MB cache 
STAT_NAME                            Heap    	IOT	      IOT P
-------------------------------- ---------- -----------  ----------
CPU used by this session            5,716         7,222       6,241
                                    5,498         5,967       6,207

DB time                            17,311       148,866      34,120
                                   11,991        45,459      42,320

branch node splits                     25            76          65
                                       25            82         107

leaf node 90-10 splits                752         1,463       1,466
                                      774         1,465       1,465

leaf node splits                    8,127        24,870      28,841
                                    8,162        30,175      40,678

session logical reads           6,065,365     6,422,071   6,430,281
                                6,150,371     6,544,295   6,709.679

physical read IO requests             123        81,458       3,068
                                      36          4,012       1,959

physical read bytes             2,097,152   668,491,776  25,133,056
                                1,400,832    34,037,760  16,048,128

user I/O wait time                    454       139,585      22,253
                                       39        34,510      19,293

The heap table creation was faster with more memory available. I’m not really sure why, the cpu effort was about the same as before and though there was some reduction in physical IO with the larger cache, I suspect it might be more to do with both the DB and the machine having been recently restarted.

All three tests are doing a little more “work” in the second run due to that extra column and thus slightly fewer rows fitting in each block (more branch node and leaf node splits), but this just highlights even more how much the IOT performance has improved, which correlates with a massive drop in physical IO for the IOT creation. If you check the session logical reads they are increased by a very small, consistent amount. Physical read IO requests have dropped significantly and, in the case of the IOT, plummeted.

I believe the 90:10 leaf node splits are consistent as that will be the maintaining of the secondary index on ACCO_TYPE and ACCO_ID, which are populated in order as the data is created (derived from rownum).

What this second test really shows is that the efficiency with which you are able to make use of the database cache is incredibly significant. Efficiently accessing data via good indexes or tricks like IOTs and hash tables is important but it really helps to also try and consider how data is going to be recycled within the cache or used, pushed out and then reused. A general principle for batch-type work seems to me to be that if you can process it in chunks that can sit in memory, rather than the whole working set, there are benefits to be gained. Of course, partitioning can really help with this.

{If anyone is wondering why, for the heap table, the number of physical IO requests has dropped by 70% but the actual number of bytes has dropped by only 30%, I’m going to point the finger to some multi-block read scan going on, either in recursive code or, more likely, my code that actually gathers those stats! That would also help explain the drop in user IO wait time for the heap run.}

Just for completeness, here is a quick check of my SGA components for the latest tests, just to show I am using the cache size I claim. All of this is on Oracle 11.1 enterprise edition, on a tired old Windows laptop. {NB new laptop arrived today – you have no idea how hard it has been to keep doing this blog and not play with the new toy!!!}. If anyone wants the test scripts in full, send me a quick email and I’ll provide them.:

-- sga_info.sql
-- Martin Widlake /08
-- summary
set pages 32
set pause on
col bytes form 999,999,999,999,999 head byts___g___m___k___b
spool sga_info.lst
select * 
from v$sgainfo
order by name
spool off
clear col
NAME                             byts___g___m___k___b RES
-------------------------------- -------------------- ---
Buffer Cache Size                         243,269,632 Yes
Fixed SGA Size                              1,374,892 No
Free SGA Memory Available                           0
Granule Size                                4,194,304 No
Java Pool Size                              4,194,304 Yes
Large Pool Size                             4,194,304 Yes
Maximum SGA Size                          401,743,872 No
Redo Buffers                                6,103,040 No
Shared IO Pool Size                                 0 Yes
Shared Pool Size                          142,606,336 Yes
Startup overhead in Shared Pool            50,331,648 No
Streams Pool Size                                   0 Yes


1. IOT Part 6 – Inserts and Updates Slowed Down (part A) « Martin Widlake's Yet Another Oracle Blog - November 8, 2011

[…] in This little update I increase my block buffer cache and show that physical IO plummets and the IOT insert performance […]

2. simpleoracledba - November 9, 2011

Love this Series!
IOT – a pet topic of mine too, the most under-used feature of Oracle.
And so simple
(hey: but compl-exa-ty sells better eh?)

And a remark: when testing: I always try to run auotrace or similar on individual stmnts, find out how much work is done per-unit-of-work.
Then verify that with AWR taken aournd the test.

The gets-per-execute of the stmnt will tell you how much work it needs to do, and is an excellent comparison.
(using a ratio??? yes, a ratio!)

In your case, you IOT stmnts were probably more efficient, but measuring time-only didnt show the advantage.

mwidlake - November 9, 2011

Hi Piet,

Thanks for the words of encouragement!

Also, thanks for the suggestion on autotrace. I do use it a lot but in this case, I wanted more information about about what was going on so I used the session stats. I also wanted to just implement my simple harness for it on my test DB :-). I also agree about AWR, I think it is a brilliant tool but many sites can’t use it. I still think Oracle made a massive mistake in not making AWR, at least access to the dictionary views if not the GUI, licence free. I’ve ranted about that before so I won’t again.

I like using gets-per-execute as a general indicator too (I’ve seen your talk on ratios a time or two now) but in this case it is that the gets are having to be supported by physical IO (and reducing that) that is making the big difference. Even with a single statement you sometimes need to look at the whole system to understand where time is going and where things might change. I don’t go into details but on my “professional” test system, we were actually running out of buffer cache too but it seemed that in-memory caching at the storage level was saving us. We would have seen performance fall off the cliff once we saturated that.

Hopefully part 6B will be out by the end of today, that looks at

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